Thursday, January 22, 2015


All things are related to one another.  I wish to write here and find myself wrestling with a tangled web of ideas and thoughts that are heavily ingrained without our society and consciousnesses.  I am going to propose radical notions that will invariably drive some away, while intriguing others.  My desire is to introduce things gradually, so as not to seem as though I'm attacking anyone.  Despite my own experiences, hang-ups, and frustrations, I recognize the need to refrain from logical assault.  In so doing, I hope to present approachable statements that can be received by the reluctant. In their totality, these interwoven ideas will stand up to cynicism, scrutiny, and skepticism.  Unfortunately, I cannot show the entire contents of my mind one moment.  This, I believe, is a good launch point:  Faith.

There are many understandings of the word faith.  It's taken to mean belief in something that you can't see.  It means knowing something that you can't know.   For some, it means believing that God is there, even though you can't see it.  It means knowing things will work out for the better, even when there is no evidence.  Faith is an excellent tool, but it is a tool that can be abused.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step when you can't see the top of the staircase."

It's an apt metaphor.  We take that first step, knowing that there's something at the top, but not being able to see the top, we don't know what is up there.  Taking that first step, we believe that there is something at the end of the staircase.  We don't know where it leads, just that it leads somewhere.

Faith is an often misused tool.  This beautiful product of the human mind and heart is turned against us.  Instead of using our faith to get us up the staircase, we are coaxed onto the first step and told to believe what is at the top.

"Take my word for it!" They say, "I have seen it.  I know it!  Have faith!"

And we stop at the first stair.  We listen to the one who "has been there" instead of going and seeing for ourselves.  We are blinded by our belief and our faith is twisted on us until it's no longer faith in the existence of something we don't know, but rather belief in the words of someone who claims to have seen it.

I'm asking you now to have faith once again.  If you never hear me again, it will be enough if you just let go of knowing what God is and have the faith- in yourself and in The Truth- to look at the world without knowing and actually consider, for yourself.

Faith isn't the blind obeisance to someone else's words.  That is being fooled, fleeced, had.  As soon as you think you know what God is, you have lost faith.  Faith is knowing without knowing.  To have faith is to explore the mystery, knowing that there's an answer but never knowing what that answer is.  

*photo borrowed from

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