"Far better it is to dare mighty things... even though checkered by failure,
than to take rank with those poor spirits who live in the gray twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat."
than to take rank with those poor spirits who live in the gray twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat."
-Teddy Roosevelt
We've all pondered that existential question: What do I do with my life? Since childhood I've had a rather murky vision of my purpose, which I've often lost sight of. In recent years, that vision has gradually reified, becoming more distinct and apparent. Although its intricacies remain elusive, I have a clear direction and aim to pursue it with varying rigor. Through the course of my life, I have pursued notions of The Truth through a variety of avenues and with varying degrees of critical thought. Since my relatively precocious escape from the trappings of the Christian church, I have sought a higher being or divine patron in one form or another. At times, I've abandoned the quest altogether and endorsed notions of Atheism (literally no-god/s) and Nihilism (there is nothing at all). I have meditated on mountain tops, fasted, prayed, pondered, read, searched inside and out, sequestered myself, taken various "sacred" medicines, and underwent many manners of religious or spiritual rite and ritual. I have found no one answer, but rather many answers that lead to one conclusion.
The Truth cannot be known.
The complexity of The Truth is such that it cannot be written in a book or in volumes, but its simplicity is such that it can be summed up in two words: It is. Yet, the truth is best described with no words at all. Knowing this has caused me a great deal of frustration in the past few years. I cannot say I know The Truth, since the it is unknowable. I cannot describe it, because it is beyond description. The Truth does not need me. It is, was, and always will be whether or not I share my part.
People write to teach, inform, or entertain. I aim to bring comfort, joy, and peace. I aim to share what I've found on mountain tops and riverbeds. Whatever The Truth is, whatever gods there are, whatever enlightenment or righteousness is, despite whatever existence may await those who relieve themselves of Samsara, wherever Heaven is, we are right here. Here we have needs.
With my existence, I wish to seek The Truth, share what I know of it, and bring comfort to others on their life journey. I want to build a place where people can go and be fed and have a warm bed in a safe place among friends and kind strangers. This place of compassion- this temple- shall be called The Way Station. This is a play on many terms. The Tao means "The Way" and Taoism is my most beloved philosophy. The Way of was of Christ's claims ("I am the way, the truth, and the life"). When truckers cross state borders, they have to stop and weigh their load. And this place will exist for folks that are on their way- whether as indicative of a life journey or a physical journey or both.
I do not yet know where this temple will be. It will be on privately owned and publicly accessible land. It will be self-sustaining, relying on renewable energy such as solar power and perhaps hydroelectricity. It will have a farm and garden. There, residents and visitors can seek The Truth or not, as they see fit. The details are yet to come.
I am constructing a non-doctrine scripture, neither guidebook nor rulebook, detailing my thoughts on The Truth. Once it is complete, I will make it available.
This blog will serve to share thoughts and ideas as they come to me, concerning the text, the temple, and the constructions thereof. It may later move to a website of its own.
I am here to spread the word. The word does not need spreading, but it's what I'm called to do.
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